What is profit and example?

For companies, profit is the positive financial gain that remains after deducting all costs, taxes and expenses from total sales. A business owner will distribute profits or reinvest them in his company. What is the definition of benefits? According to the equivalence principle, all expenses that were incurred to produce revenues must be recognized in the period in which the revenues are obtained. Therefore, some expenses that are not actually paid during the period are still subtracted from income to arrive at net income for the period.

Since profits vary considerably between companies of different sizes (and between industries), it is often appropriate to consider profits as a percentage of sales (profit margin) when making comparisons. Karl Marx, for example, argued that profits come from the surplus of labor extracted from workers by business owners. Whether it's a lemonade stand or a publicly traded multinational company, the main objective of any business is to make money, so business performance is based on profitability, in its various forms. Modern thinkers suggest that profits outweigh the risk that entrepreneurs take when starting a business.

Net benefit refers to the total benefit that remains when all expenses, costs, and other deductions are paid.

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